25 Things I Learned This Year (Birthday Edition)
Another year older, another year wiser (or so they say.) I’m sincerely grateful to have more time to experience life, be with loved ones, while growing and learning more about myself.
For the past couple of years, I’ve done a list on my birthday, of things I have learned, equating to the number I’m turning. This year is 25, and while that is somewhat scary, to think I’ve spent a quarter of my life already, I know each experience, relationship, and trial has occurred for a reason to get me to this moment.
For that I am grateful.
So without further ado….
Do what you love no matter what
The celery & peanut butter combo is actually quite good
Routines are healthy. If you want to achieve something, make sure to set aside time to it everyday (big or small)
It’s okay to quit something that isn’t bringing you joy or fulfillment (or take a break)
It’s ALSO okay to not finish a book if you don’t like it (this one was a hard one for me to grip haha)
Supporting small local businesses not only brings the creator happiness but YOU as well! (Shoutout to all my small biz friends, proud of you peeps)
Handwritten letters to loved ones are heartwarming and therapeutic
Transitioning from schooling (high school or college) to the work force is difficult. Friendship breakups are real, I don’t think we talk about them enough, but be grateful for the time you had during seasons you needed them the most <3
MAKING new friends is just as exciting and important—to know that I still have many more friendships and impactful people to meet in my lifetime (shout out to my Master’s program friends)
Peach green tea boba is superior
Your dreams are never impossible to reach, you may have to maneuver, but they are possible
Make sure you have good supportive running shoes, it’s worth the investment (your body and knees will thank you)
Make time for loved ones. You think you have time, but the time is now. You are never “too busy”, and yes, priorities happen, but do not work yourself to death
Tiramisu is actually delicious
Make sure to take yourself on dates. Long walks, coffee shop to read, go to the movies—remember that there is liberation in solitude and being comfortable in yourself
Do not worry about what others think of you, 99% of the time they aren’t noticing you
Pets are truly a blessing to us on this earth…I don’t know how we deserve them sometimes
18. Comparison is a thief of joy (knew this already but needed to add this to the list for future Shelby)
19. It’s okay to let go, it’s okay to be scared, it’s okay to be sad. It is healthy to be able to feel and process feelings, it is unhealthy to suppress them
20. Celebrations don’t have to be traditional achievements like getting a job or buying a house. Finally making that first step to go to therapy, setting boundaries, starting over, are also big achievements to celebrate
21. Family ties (doesn’t have to be blood-related) are my most sacred and treasured bonds
22. Being present truly is a present
23. Traveling out of a carry-on suitcase for 3 months is very exhausting, but also very rewarding (haha)
24. The relationship you have with yourself is the most important. Don’t forget to nurture yourself, love yourself, and fill yourself with appreciation
And last but not least:
25. With each year that comes, I learn that I am even more and more in awe and grateful to the people who stay in my life, who continue to love and support me. Who push me to be better and remind me I am worthy. I learned the people who are my rocks and foundations.
I hope you enjoyed reading this list. Maybe you relate to a few, maybe you dislike some, but those are my 25 things I’m taking into this next year of life. Thank you for being here as always, I’ll continue to say it over and over again. You being a part of my journey is a perfect birthday present, indeed.